Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Best Friends

What are the qualities of a best friend? Is there one specific person that you can say has all these qualities? Maybe you have that one person that you know will be your best friend for life. Or maybe you haven't met them yet. Either way, that's okay.
All throughout high school, I gradually built up this image of what a perfect best friend would be. Kind of like how people build the perfect image of a significant other. While I had a handful of best friends who I still remain very close with, I was always trying to decide who was the best best friend overall. Who lived up to my standards. I want to say, even though you guys didn't know about this, I'm sorry for doing that.
My ideal best friend never let me down. They were morally correct. They held all the same views as I. They came from the same background as I and we never disagreed.
I didn't realize I had done this for so many years until very recently. I was always looking for this perfect person and toward the end of my high school career, I began to fantasize about college. I convinced myself that I would find my ideal best friend in college. We all know about the stories told about your college room mate being your maid of honor in your wedding and whatnot. You can imagine the shock I had when I found out that I would not have a roommate my freshman year. As uneasy I was about sharing a room with a stranger, I was almost looking forward to meeting this new person that I was convinced was going to potentially be the girl or guy of my dreams (as a best friend).
I'm well into my second semester of college now and I realize how wrong I was to put these standards on my friends.
People will let you down. 
We're only human. And I've definitely let my friends down quite a few times. A best friend will still reach up to you after you've let them down. And if you're the one who made the mistake, as a best friend it's your job to make things right between you and your friends. Senior year was especially rough for me. Hence why I went off the grid on my old blog for a while. I'm really glad to have real best friends who welcomed me back with open arms. I can't thank them enough for that. A real best friend will practice forgiveness. That said...
Nobody's Perfect. 
There is not a single person in this world that is completely 100% morally correct. We all have our faults and as a best friend, you need to accept that and try to lift up your friends instead of bringing them down. As I said, a real best friend will practice forgiveness.
No one will ever be like you. 
There is no way you will ever find your exact twin who does everything the same way that you do. We are not a society of robots. Even twins have different opinions and views. Friends are going to argue sometimes and that's okay. It's the middle ground that you share that matters the most. Being a best friend is putting aside your differences and taking the time to truly appreciate your time together. This also runs into the idea I had about a best friend with the same background as I. Even kids in my own hometown weren't raised exactly the way I was. You will never find anybody exactly like you. But that's what's great about best friends. The ability to put aside all these differences and to learn and grow together.
Since being at college, I've kept quite a few best friends at home and picked up a few new ones here. It's like that song I used to sing in Girl Scouts when I was little: ...one is silver and the others gold... and whatnot. My friends aren't perfect but I couldn't be friends with somebody who thought they were perfect.
What it all boils down to is respect, forgiveness, and especially love.
I love you guys and I'm sorry.

Hi Hello

Hi Hello.

 Before I get into this, can I just mention how difficult it is to pick an address that hasn't been taken? I had no idea what to pick so I decided on "thisisthesequel" because, well, this is the sequel.
Those of you that have known me for at least over a year, may remember that blog I kept for a while. All throughout high school, I kept a blog recording my thoughts and opinions on things. (I also had a side blog and I encourage everyone to check out here to see all the ridiculous Pinterest projects I did. I apparently had no friends in high school. Anyway...) I find some of my posts to be quite embarrassing now look back at it but I won't change a thing, including the dramatic picture of my 15 year-old self that I used as a profile picture. It's really great to look back on some of those posts and see how dramatically my views and writing skills have changed or stayed the same from February 2 2011 to now. So, since I'm not in high school anymore and have checked into a new chapter of my life, this is the sequel (Plus this is an awesome way to procrastinate studying).